Walmart Weekly Deals with Coupon Matchups Nov 29 - Dec 5

Here are this week's great grocery deals with coupon matchups!

Frozen Grade A Turkey
3-5kg $10  ($1.51 - $0.91/lb)
5-7kg $15  ($1.36 - $0.97/lb)
7-9kg $20  ($1.30 - $1.01/lb)

Clementines 5lb $3.88 ($0.78/lb)

Maxwell House Instant Coffee 150g $1.92

Gala or Mcintosh Apples 3lbs $2.77 ($0.92/lb)

Sweet Potatoes $0.97/lb

Dempsters Bread 3/$6 ($2ea)

GV Smoked Whole Deli Ham 1.7kg $10 ($2.67/lb)

Quarter Spiral Cut Ham 2.04kg $18 ($4.02/lb)

ChipIts $2.67 

GV Canned Tomatoes $0.97

GV Yogurt Tubs $1.77

Knorr Broth 900ml $1

McCain Fries or Hash Browns $1.68